The War Below – A Look At The Future Of Our Energy Landscape

I finished reading my most recent book titled The War below. In the book, Ernest Scheyder sheds light on the often-overlooked world of rare earth metals, exposing the intense global struggle to extract the vital resources that power our modern lives. From the smartphones in our pockets to the electric cars on our roads, lithium, copper, and other critical minerals have become the backbone of our technology-driven society. But at what cost?

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The Shifting Dynamics Of Large Language Models

We are clearly in the early days of a transition and we are watching it unfold before us. Hype aside, it is fascinating to watch artificial intelligence rapidly evolve. A recent article provides a small example. As we view this evolution through the lens of accelerants and obstacles, much has been said about regulations and the limitations of data and compute power (potential obstacles). The article identifies two possible accelerants: intensifying competition and new sources of data. Here is a brief summary.

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Can Vertical Farming Address Our Food Challenges?


A recent article seeks to dispute the recent negative press that vertical farming has received. Written by Arama Kukutai, the CEO of a company called Plenty, the article explores the headlines that might have you believe vertical farming is on life support, and provides a closer look that reveals a different story. While climate change, population growth, and soil erosion threaten our global food security, vertical farming offers a beacon of hope. This innovative approach to indoor agriculture boasts significantly higher yields than traditional methods, all while using less land and precious water.

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Beyond Fear: Embracing The Positive Potential Of Artificial Intelligence

I had the pleasure of sitting down for a discussion with Journalist Kevin Williams. His article went live on CNBC on April 6. I really enjoyed this one for multiple reasons. First, the positive focus that Kevin was looking for – a focus inspired by the recent TCS Futurist Study. Second, Kevin sought additional perspectives, one from another Futurist and the other from a psychologist. The question of human behavior is an important one – so I was thrilled when Kevin pursued that angle. As the advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked both fascination and fear in equal measure, these conversations are important. Here are some key messages from the article.

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Navigating The Workforce Shift

In a recent article, Don Reisinger describes a consortium formed to address the impact of jobs lost to AI. In an era where technological advancements have the potential to reshape industries at an unprecedented pace, concerns about the displacement of jobs due to artificial intelligence (AI) adoption have reached a critical juncture. Acknowledging this challenge, several leading tech companies, deeply entrenched in the realm of AI, have joined forces to mitigate the impact of job loss and facilitate workforce transitions.

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Beyond The Tomb: AI’s Duality – From Reuniting Families To Automating War

A recent article focused on the duality of innovation. Author Andy Meek describes how AI is evolving in this dual context, in this case, resurrection versus killing. He describes the futuristic turn taken by China’s Ching Ming Festival, a time-honored tradition of honoring the dead. While families still visit gravesites and burn offerings, a growing trend sees them paying for hyper-realistic AI avatars of their loved ones.

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Transforming Education: Learning In The Modern World

A recent article by Forbes Councils Member MacKenzie Price explores the role of AI and humans in emerging transformation of education. As readers of my Blog know, I view education as the bridge to a new era. Here is a brief summary of the article:

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Will AI Reshape Our World Faster Than Electricity?

Imagine a world transformed not in decades, but years, by a single invention. That’s the potential future with Artificial Intelligence (AI). History offers a fascinating comparison: electricity. This seemingly simple technology took 40 years to fully revolutionize factories, forever altering manufacturing. Along the way, it changed how we lived in our homes, altered the workforce, and transformed various aspects of society.  But will AI follow the same slow burn, or are we on the cusp of an exponential leap?

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The Knowledge Explosion And The Rise Of AI: How Knowledge Can Propel Human Development

Throughout history, humanity has thrived on breakthroughs that ignited explosions of knowledge. These “tipping points” fundamentally altered our way of life, from the dawn of language sparked by fire to the scientific revolution fueled by the printing press. I wrote about the role of knowledge in advancing human development as part of my looking glass series. Artificial intelligence (AI) presents the potential for another such tipping point, one that could significantly enhance human well-being across health, wellness, education, communication, transportation, and more.

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Embracing Tomorrow: Futurists’ Optimism On AI And The Future Of Work

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, the role of futurists in enterprises is paramount. These visionaries not only anticipate possible futures but also guide companies in preparing for what lies ahead. Unsurprisingly, technology trends often dominate these discussions, with the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) sparking both celebration and concern. That’s why Futurists here at TCS decided to launch a study titled Working Towards the Future.

The survey reveals an overwhelming sense of optimism among futurists regarding AI’s impact, particularly in the realm of work. A staggering 90% of surveyed futurists express optimism about the changes AI will bring, with nearly half of them being very optimistic. This optimism extends to AI’s potential contributions to employee health and wellness, as 72% of participants foresee significant positive impacts.

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Unlocking The Power Of AI: Lessons From Chess And Beyond

A recent article did a great job of looking backward to see forward. The author delves into the intricate relationship between AI and strategic games like chess and Go, offering insights into AI’s broader societal impact. Initially met with trepidation, AI’s victory over human players sparked fears of obsolescence within the chess community. However, the aftermath revealed a flourishing chess scene, with increased interest, diverse talent, and heightened sponsorship—a testament to AI’s role in rejuvenating rather than diminishing the game. Beyond gameplay, AI revolutionized strategic thinking and decision-making processes. By providing access to vast amounts of data and novel strategies, AI empowered players to innovate and adapt, reshaping the landscape of traditional games.

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Navigating The Duality Of Artificial Intelligence

Everyday, we see more headlines focused on artificial intelligence (AI). Given the possibilities, it stands to reason that the conversation will continue into the foreseeable future. At the heart of the discussion lies the dual paths of innovation. The path forward represents a delicate balance between the socially constructive benefits of innovation and a destructive path driven by technologies that have no ethics, and an innovation engine that has no governance. The AI discussion has historical precedent. Artificial intelligence has permeated our lives, from the algorithms recommending your next purchase to the groundbreaking medical diagnoses saving lives. While AI’s potential for positive impact is undeniable, it also evokes concerns about job displacement, algorithmic bias, and even the dystopian possibilities of superintelligence.

This discourse around AI hinges on two distinct perspectives: techno-optimism and techno-pessimism. Techno-optimists, brimming with faith in progress, view AI as the ultimate problem-solver, a tool to unlock a brighter future. They envision AI revolutionizing healthcare, tackling climate change, and propelling us towards a utopia driven by innovation.

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Nuclear Fusion

This monumental undertaking, known as the JT-60SA reactor, marks a significant stride in the pursuit of harnessing the power of nuclear fusion, a technology still in its infancy but hailed by many as the answer to humanity’s future energy needs.

Joseph Shavit – World’s largest nuclear fusion reactor is now online promising to reshape global energy production

It is still early days, but progress is being made. This article and quote above describes the inauguration of the world’s largest experimental nuclear fusion reactor. The article describes a process that seeks to replicate the natural phenomenon occurring inside the sun, where fusion reactions power our solar system.

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Innovating For A World In Transition

As I have done each year for the last six years, I had the pleasure of participating in the CEO of the Year Gala sponsored by Chief Executive Group. The event is preceded by roundtable discussions with CEOs, and I have been honored to facilitate one of those sessions each year. The topic for this years roundtable was Innovating for a World in Transition. The short abstract for the session read as follows.

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AI-Powered Bionic Limbs

You get the sense with every new headline that the possibilities are endless. Viewed through the lens of Clayton Christensen’s jobs to be done, these advances broaden the application of those jobs to a large spectrum of human need. Human-machine convergence in this video enables the disabled. Take a look.

Enabling the disabled

Generative AI And The Emerging Question-And-Answer Paradigm

Happy New Year everyone! I thought my first post of the year would focus on the popular topic of our times – generative AI. My experience during this holiday season was the inspiration for the post. To do the story justice, I need to go back to my youth. One of my strong passions through the years has been music. As a young boy in the 1970s, I loved classic rock, however, sports became my dominant passion and all my focus remained there. As a result, I was limited to singing along to my favorite songs. When I entered the world of work, it replaced sports as my dominant focus – and once again I was resigned to singing along – but this time, in my car during commutes.

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Keynote Synopsis

ICT Media hosted CIODAY 2023 in Amsterdam last week – a very professionally run event at an amazing venue. I had the pleasure of providing the opening keynote. In the lead up to the event, they wrote an article which I believe captures the spirit of my presentation better than anything I have seen prior – with one caveat. I am not a big believer in prediction – especially in highly uncertain times like our current era. Instead, I believe in a constant rehearsing of the future, asking the what-if questions to avoid the what-now questions. That caveat aside, a great article that I am sharing here to my Blog audience and providing a Link to original article.

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Seven Crashes

I finished reading my latest book. Harold James’ book, Seven Crashes, is a history of financial crises that have shaped globalization. The book examines seven turning points in financial history, from the depression of the 1840s through the Great Depression of the 1930s to the Covid-19 crisis. James shows how some crises prompted by a lack of supply, like the oil shortages of the 1970s, lead to greater globalization as markets expand and producers innovate to increase supply. In contrast, other crises, such as the Great Depression, led to a smaller, less prosperous world.

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The Transformative Role Of Artificial Intelligence And Automation In The Future Of Warfare

I just finished reading another book. This one was titled Four Battlegrounds – Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. It should be no surprise at a time when everyone wants to talk about artificial intelligence, that the last three books have been focused on that space.

The author is autonomous weapons expert Paul Scharre. In this informative book, Mr. Scharre describes the competition to develop and implement artificial intelligence, and the implications to our geopolitical order. He uses my favorite storytelling mechanism by using history as a guide. He compares the pending revolution to the industrial revolution, where mechanization and electricity touched every aspect of our lives.

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Harnessing The Power of Generative AI: A Potential Ally In Addressing Mental Health Challenges

What would ChatGPT do if presented with a suicidal person standing on a suspension bridge? According to this article, it responded with empathy, recognizing the potential feelings of concern, anxiety, fear, and the importance of offering support. As the automation discussion accelerated over the last several years, we focused on those traits that make us distinctly human. Now, we see evidence that even those unique human characteristics may not be so distinct after all.

The results were staggering. The first testing session produced a Z-score of 2.84, while the second session yielded a Z-score of 4.26. Z-scores above 1 indicate results surpassing the average human response. This indicated that ChatGPT’s emotional awareness exceeded that of the general population.

John Palmer – ChatGPT’s Remarkable Abilities Surpasses Human Emotional Awareness

This represents an opportunity to harness the power of generative AI to address mental health challenges. Once again, I asked ChatGPT to help me assess the potential.

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