Beyond the Silo: How Exploding Possibilities Are Fueling the Rise of Horizontal Ecosystems

The second industrial revolution ushered in an era of vertical integration, where companies built empires within clearly defined industries. Today, however, a new revolution is upon us – one driven by an explosion in the possibility space. Scientific and technological advancements are happening at an unprecedented pace, blurring the lines between disciplines and creating opportunities that transcend traditional industry boundaries. This is giving rise to a fascinating phenomenon: horizontal ecosystems.

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Digital Twins Reach A Tipping Point

I had the pleasure of joining Alan Shimel of Techstrong TV for a short Interview on digital twins. Our discussion explored the growing number of scenarios enabled by the convergence of multiple technologies. We discussed its application in the context of food and health in the short term, the Metaverse and smart cities in the medium term, and the off-planet economy in the long term. Alan does a great job with these interviews. You can explore several topics at Techstrong TV.

Food Abundance and Unintended Consequences

Two major forces are likely to converge in very unpredictable ways. The road to Abundance, as described by Peter Diamandis, promises to advance our human development in ways we never could have imagined. At the same time, the journey will drive a number of unintended consequences. The intersection of these two forces underscores the importance of focusing on emerging scenarios now, while we have the opportunity to realize the advancements and mitigate the impact of unintended consequences. Let’s use the journey towards food abundance as an example.

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