More Thought Leaders Weigh In On A Post Pandemic Future

As I’ve said in an earlier post, predicting life after pandemics has been a fools errand. Futurist Amy Webb described it this way: “Any time a new change is foisted upon us, very quickly there is a bias to thinking that the new present is the future. That is almost universally never the case.” Many Futurists and other thought leaders are providing their thoughts on what this post-pandemic world might look like. In an article focused on The Unexpected Consequences of the Pandemic, author Bryan Walsh says that we know COVID-19 will fundamentally alter the world, but those changes may not be the ones you expect.

In the article, Mr. Walsh provides insight from Amy Webb, founder of the Future Today Institute. He looked for her perspective on what we’re getting wrong and right regarding COVID-19’s consequences. Her thoughts:

She believes the idea that remote work is here to stay is wrong. Webb notes that most societies are not set up to support the daily productivity tasks you need as a remote worker or student – studies have shown that productivity tanks. She believes the predictions that are right include the shift to telemedicine, at-home diagnostics, as well as drone delivery. Details can be found in the Article.

Her bottom line: The post-pandemic world will be one where more things come to us, whether via a screen or via a robot.

In a recent Forbes Article, Bernard Marr explores nine predictions for our post-pandemic world. Here are the predictions – detailed descriptions available via the article:

More Contactless Interfaces and Interactions: Expect there to be an expansion of voice and machine vision interfaces that recognize faces and gestures throughout several industries to limit the amount of physical contact.

Strengthened Digital Infrastructure: forced to work, learn, and do other things from home, digital infrastructure serves as enabler. Look for a stronger focus on these methods post pandemic.

Better Monitoring Using IoT and Big Data: monitoring pandemics will benefit from IoT and data, look for solutions that evolve to effectively monitor and tackle future pandemics.

AI-Enabled Drug Development: the critical need for a drug to treat the virus has turned a spotlight on the lengthy process required for drug development. Look for the pandemic to accelerate the use of AI in both drug discovery and develop.

Telemedicine: To curb traffic at hospitals and other healthcare practitioners’ offices, many are implementing or reminding their patients that consultations can be done through video. The pandemic serves as an Accelerant towards broader adoption of telemedicine.

More Online Shopping: After COVID-19, businesses that want to remain competitive will figure out ways to have online services even if they maintain a brick-and-mortar location

Increased Reliance on Robots: robots will play a big role post-pandemic

More Digital Events: the author does not predict that in-person events will be replaced entirely after COVID-19, but believes event organizers will figure out ways that digital aspects can complement in-person events.

Rise in Esports: another example of an accelerant. Esports were rising in popularity, but now in the absence of in-person events, interest in esports is ramping.

As I have with every post, I’m including links to my previous COVID-19 posts.

FEATUREDA Post Pandemic Society


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